Every year pastors in the United Methodist Church are required to take a certain number of continued education units (CEUs). There are many great options, but Pastors Gwyneth and Jamie have opted for taking Pastors Assembly in NH the last three years. Each year is a different topic relevant to clergy. This year was entitled "self care", and took place the last week of August Monday-Thursday.
Many clergy end up with family and marital issues, health problems, depression and other issues. In fact, we learned that among Methodists, New England has the highest health insurance rates of any conference due to the numbers of clergy with diabetes, heart problems and depression. However, this seminar provided some great tools to maintain and improve our emotional, physical and spiritual health. The conference provided childcare as well so both pastors could attend sessions.
Friday, August 31, 2007
Casco Bay Cluster Revival Coming
Our own Casco Bay cluster is sponsoring a revival at Beech Ridge Speedway on October 6th. There will be excellent music including the Messengers of Hope and excellent preaching including our own Bishop Peter Weaver. This is a great time to bring friends out to a celebratory event with many activities for youth and children. Come and share in the Gospel of Jesus! We will be calling on you for help with publicity, children’s activities, ushering and for bringing your friends. Keep the date open! Pray about who to invite! We also need donations to help make this event a success. Please see Jamie or Keith to find out how to help, or go to the Hope Revival website. The video clip we have shown in worship a few times can be found on the website as well, or directly at Hope Revival Video. See you on the track!
Wayside Soup Kitchen - WOW
Submitted by Susan Angell
WOW, WOW, WOW........................
Last night People's people served 300+ hungry persons at the Wayside Soup Kitchen. Those of us that arrived early were immediately set to work in preparation. The cooks were deeply involved in preparing fresh vegetables, salads, and the cooking of chicken and rice. Others were busily cutting pies and the like for desserts, setting tables, preparing coffee, juice and milk machines for the beverage table,cutting up blocks of butter and slicing of bread. I was totally excited that they allowed me to use the machine that slices the whole loaves of bread. For some unknown reason, usually no one allows me to touch moving machinery. Positions were assigned. Anita Lyons generously assigned her husband, Charlie Lyons to the dish washing duty. There were those that staffed the beverage table and those that put the food onto the dishes in a serving line. Tom was asked to assist with security. The remaining 6 of us were assigned our tables. If you serve restaurant style, you need 20-30 people to serve the tables, so buffet from the kitchen was necessitated. The 6 had the job of assisting people, serving refills on drinks, refreshing the butter and bread bowls, busing the tables of those that were finished and eventually washing down all the tables and chairs to ready them for the next days breakfast crowd.
The doors were opened and in they came. Some were in wheel chairs, some young people with the hard look of those living on the streets, older shop worn men and women and many carrying all they own in back packs, strollers and plastic bags and they were hungry. Time passed swiftly. Tom Nelson always amazes me. Compared to his energized wife, Barb Nelson, he looks quiet and slow moving. The man was everywhere doing this and that in his calm way. Art Tordoff too is just always in the right place at the right time. The gals that dished out the food on plates never faltered. The cooks kept the hot food coming. An extremely pretty and young woman there doing Community Service lost her veneer and began to show the strain of dealing with so many people. The young woman from Oakhurst with the friendly smile dealt with the horde admirably. Jalen, Barb and Tom's grandson and the youngest of us, managed to do the task of handing out beverages and never lost his cool. The unending stream of dirty dishes were washed and put away. After 7 and the people were gone, tables and chairs cleaned, floors swept, kitchen cleaned, trash put out and silence. Tired but at the same time energized, we all went home. GOOD JOB DONE.
There has been of talk about Peoples letting this ministry go as we are a small church with not a massive amount of people (others included Kathy Brann, Betsy Morrison, Marlene Tordoff, Janice Huelin, Betty Splettstoesser, Becky Gotlieb and Sue Angell). While lots of churches and corporations are abandoning this ministry for other, nicer, things such as ESL, Habitant for Humanity, The Root Cellar, Walks for various causes, this grittier side of community service needs our help too. We may be few but we sure showed we are mighty!
Note from Tom Nelson:
Susan you put this so very eloquently. WOW is an understatement. I was really worried when I saw only Peoples people but we may have been small but the power of Jesus was in all of us. I thank each and everyone for all their hard work. Charlie worked just about the hardest of any of us so Hats off to Charlie. Glad bean suppers are not this crazy. We will be at it in October 31 so if you missed the fun put it on your calendar.
God Bless you all and Thanks for the support
WOW, WOW, WOW........................
Last night People's people served 300+ hungry persons at the Wayside Soup Kitchen. Those of us that arrived early were immediately set to work in preparation. The cooks were deeply involved in preparing fresh vegetables, salads, and the cooking of chicken and rice. Others were busily cutting pies and the like for desserts, setting tables, preparing coffee, juice and milk machines for the beverage table,cutting up blocks of butter and slicing of bread. I was totally excited that they allowed me to use the machine that slices the whole loaves of bread. For some unknown reason, usually no one allows me to touch moving machinery. Positions were assigned. Anita Lyons generously assigned her husband, Charlie Lyons to the dish washing duty. There were those that staffed the beverage table and those that put the food onto the dishes in a serving line. Tom was asked to assist with security. The remaining 6 of us were assigned our tables. If you serve restaurant style, you need 20-30 people to serve the tables, so buffet from the kitchen was necessitated. The 6 had the job of assisting people, serving refills on drinks, refreshing the butter and bread bowls, busing the tables of those that were finished and eventually washing down all the tables and chairs to ready them for the next days breakfast crowd.
The doors were opened and in they came. Some were in wheel chairs, some young people with the hard look of those living on the streets, older shop worn men and women and many carrying all they own in back packs, strollers and plastic bags and they were hungry. Time passed swiftly. Tom Nelson always amazes me. Compared to his energized wife, Barb Nelson, he looks quiet and slow moving. The man was everywhere doing this and that in his calm way. Art Tordoff too is just always in the right place at the right time. The gals that dished out the food on plates never faltered. The cooks kept the hot food coming. An extremely pretty and young woman there doing Community Service lost her veneer and began to show the strain of dealing with so many people. The young woman from Oakhurst with the friendly smile dealt with the horde admirably. Jalen, Barb and Tom's grandson and the youngest of us, managed to do the task of handing out beverages and never lost his cool. The unending stream of dirty dishes were washed and put away. After 7 and the people were gone, tables and chairs cleaned, floors swept, kitchen cleaned, trash put out and silence. Tired but at the same time energized, we all went home. GOOD JOB DONE.
There has been of talk about Peoples letting this ministry go as we are a small church with not a massive amount of people (others included Kathy Brann, Betsy Morrison, Marlene Tordoff, Janice Huelin, Betty Splettstoesser, Becky Gotlieb and Sue Angell). While lots of churches and corporations are abandoning this ministry for other, nicer, things such as ESL, Habitant for Humanity, The Root Cellar, Walks for various causes, this grittier side of community service needs our help too. We may be few but we sure showed we are mighty!
Note from Tom Nelson:
Susan you put this so very eloquently. WOW is an understatement. I was really worried when I saw only Peoples people but we may have been small but the power of Jesus was in all of us. I thank each and everyone for all their hard work. Charlie worked just about the hardest of any of us so Hats off to Charlie. Glad bean suppers are not this crazy. We will be at it in October 31 so if you missed the fun put it on your calendar.
God Bless you all and Thanks for the support
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Adult Sunday Morning Class
Adult Sunday school class
On Sunday, September 9 a class that has been meeting for over 30 years will begin again at 9 AM. While the class membership has changed over that period of time the intent has always been to bring its members closer to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. At the present time those who have been in the class have been using J. Ellsworth Kalas’s study book, More Parables From the Backside. The class will begin with Chapter 4 titled, "The Importance of Downward Mobility" which is based on the parable in Luke14:7-14. Anyone who would like to join us is welcome. Reading the parable in any interpretation of the Bible works and prepares you for participation in the class. The class is looking for a few good people who would like to learn in a small group format. Hope to see you there!
On Sunday, September 9 a class that has been meeting for over 30 years will begin again at 9 AM. While the class membership has changed over that period of time the intent has always been to bring its members closer to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. At the present time those who have been in the class have been using J. Ellsworth Kalas’s study book, More Parables From the Backside. The class will begin with Chapter 4 titled, "The Importance of Downward Mobility" which is based on the parable in Luke14:7-14. Anyone who would like to join us is welcome. Reading the parable in any interpretation of the Bible works and prepares you for participation in the class. The class is looking for a few good people who would like to learn in a small group format. Hope to see you there!
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Sixty Seven Years as Organist at Peoples
Dr. Malcolm W. Cass
67 Years of service to Peoples Methodist Church
Dr. Malcolm Cass began playing the organ when many young men his own age may have played other instruments or became deeply involved in athletic teams. His father, a Methodist preacher, and his mother had encouraged his playing and made sure that he had lessons from the organist at the Bar Harbor Church. When that organist took a leave of absence, Malcolm was asked to "fill in". As the story is told she never returned and the young Malcolm’s avocation became a lifetime of love for music especially related to the organ and choral endeavors.
In time Malcolm attended and graduated from Bowdoin College and became a Doctor of Optometry graduating from Pennsylvania School of Optometry. While a student at Bowdoin, Malcolm served as the chapel organist.
When his father, Walter H. Cass was appointed to serve Peoples United Methodist Church in South Portland in 1938 it wasn’t long before Malcolm became the regular organist and choir director at Peoples. Malcolm also fell in love with Hildreth "Hillie" Edwards who sang in the Peoples Choir. The two were married in 1942. Aside from time away for military service during World War II, Dr. Cass has served as the church organist and choir director at Peoples until his last official day, August 26, 2007.
One of the finest organists ever produced in the state of Maine, Dr. Cass had many opportunities to play elsewhere as well. For many years he was the official organist for the Maine Conference of the Methodist Church and over the years played many concerts on the Kotzchmar Organ in Portland’s Merrill Auditorium. On trips that he would take with his beloved Hillie he would also be graced with the opportunity to play some of Europe’s most renowned organs.
At Peoples, Malcolm had the experience of playing at least three organs. The original organ that was eventually transplanted from the High street church was an Estes that had been purchased with Choir funds and assistance from the Carnegie foundation in 1912. Put in storage until the new sanctuary was completed and able to accept the Pipes of the Estes, Malcolm with the help of others found a suitable interim organ to use in the vestry of the present church. Until the new sanctuary was ready for occupancy, church services were held in the Vestry. This instrument was found in a warehouse in Boston and was transported piece by piece to South Portland. Once the Estes was in place in the sanctuary the interim organ was sold for the same price that it had cost to buy and be transported to South Portland.
By the late 50’s, however, the Estes was showing the wear of long term service to two churches. A fund drive was organized to fill a number of needs including the purchase price of a new pipe organ. Malcolm was, along with Jason Tilton, the chief proponent for the purchase of an instrument that would last and give quality service for many years to come. Mr. Tilton was a representative of the Reuter Organ Company and gave up his commission to make sure that Peoples and Malcolm would have a quality instrument. The organ was purchased for $30,000 and installed and played for the first time in 1962. Dr. Cass while not the only person to play the organ has been the primary organist until August 26, 2007.
While most folks will remember Malcolm for his generous contributions to the music program of Peoples Church he has also contributed in so many other ways as well. He has served in the role of leadership on most of the significant bodies of the church. He also has in the past led the Men’s Club. His musical background accompanied many variety shows and Sunday school productions. He served for many years as the principal historian and archivist for church memorabilia and to top it all off, for most of his church related life he was the principal photojournalist for events held at Peoples. How he was able to play music, write notes and take pictures all at the same time I will never know!
Beyond the walls of the church he also was an active, long-termed member of both the local Lions Club and the American Guild of Organists. The Lions Eyeglass collection project of many years came at the inspiration of Malcolm and continues to the present day.
Certainly his life time of giving was shared with many including his sons Malcolm Jr. and David as well as a church family that have loved and admired his dedication to all of us. We would have to agree, however, that while he is noted for his solo performances on the organ and piano his life, including music, has always been a shared partnership with Hillie. It is that devotion to each other that have made both Malcolm and Hillie, not even arguably, the most devoted and loving couple title at Peoples Church. Their life and devotion to each other is a model that few others have been able to duplicate.
On his last official day at the organ, a permanent plaque was presented for rededicating the organ in Dr. Cass’s name. Following the service Dr. Cass and Hillie sat in front of the altar and received the greetings and congratulations of the congregation and guests in attendance.
Thank you Malcolm for the many years of dedication to sharing music and life with you throughout your lifetime and ours as well!
67 Years of service to Peoples Methodist Church
Dr. Malcolm Cass began playing the organ when many young men his own age may have played other instruments or became deeply involved in athletic teams. His father, a Methodist preacher, and his mother had encouraged his playing and made sure that he had lessons from the organist at the Bar Harbor Church. When that organist took a leave of absence, Malcolm was asked to "fill in". As the story is told she never returned and the young Malcolm’s avocation became a lifetime of love for music especially related to the organ and choral endeavors.
In time Malcolm attended and graduated from Bowdoin College and became a Doctor of Optometry graduating from Pennsylvania School of Optometry. While a student at Bowdoin, Malcolm served as the chapel organist.
When his father, Walter H. Cass was appointed to serve Peoples United Methodist Church in South Portland in 1938 it wasn’t long before Malcolm became the regular organist and choir director at Peoples. Malcolm also fell in love with Hildreth "Hillie" Edwards who sang in the Peoples Choir. The two were married in 1942. Aside from time away for military service during World War II, Dr. Cass has served as the church organist and choir director at Peoples until his last official day, August 26, 2007.
One of the finest organists ever produced in the state of Maine, Dr. Cass had many opportunities to play elsewhere as well. For many years he was the official organist for the Maine Conference of the Methodist Church and over the years played many concerts on the Kotzchmar Organ in Portland’s Merrill Auditorium. On trips that he would take with his beloved Hillie he would also be graced with the opportunity to play some of Europe’s most renowned organs.
At Peoples, Malcolm had the experience of playing at least three organs. The original organ that was eventually transplanted from the High street church was an Estes that had been purchased with Choir funds and assistance from the Carnegie foundation in 1912. Put in storage until the new sanctuary was completed and able to accept the Pipes of the Estes, Malcolm with the help of others found a suitable interim organ to use in the vestry of the present church. Until the new sanctuary was ready for occupancy, church services were held in the Vestry. This instrument was found in a warehouse in Boston and was transported piece by piece to South Portland. Once the Estes was in place in the sanctuary the interim organ was sold for the same price that it had cost to buy and be transported to South Portland.
By the late 50’s, however, the Estes was showing the wear of long term service to two churches. A fund drive was organized to fill a number of needs including the purchase price of a new pipe organ. Malcolm was, along with Jason Tilton, the chief proponent for the purchase of an instrument that would last and give quality service for many years to come. Mr. Tilton was a representative of the Reuter Organ Company and gave up his commission to make sure that Peoples and Malcolm would have a quality instrument. The organ was purchased for $30,000 and installed and played for the first time in 1962. Dr. Cass while not the only person to play the organ has been the primary organist until August 26, 2007.
While most folks will remember Malcolm for his generous contributions to the music program of Peoples Church he has also contributed in so many other ways as well. He has served in the role of leadership on most of the significant bodies of the church. He also has in the past led the Men’s Club. His musical background accompanied many variety shows and Sunday school productions. He served for many years as the principal historian and archivist for church memorabilia and to top it all off, for most of his church related life he was the principal photojournalist for events held at Peoples. How he was able to play music, write notes and take pictures all at the same time I will never know!
Beyond the walls of the church he also was an active, long-termed member of both the local Lions Club and the American Guild of Organists. The Lions Eyeglass collection project of many years came at the inspiration of Malcolm and continues to the present day.
Certainly his life time of giving was shared with many including his sons Malcolm Jr. and David as well as a church family that have loved and admired his dedication to all of us. We would have to agree, however, that while he is noted for his solo performances on the organ and piano his life, including music, has always been a shared partnership with Hillie. It is that devotion to each other that have made both Malcolm and Hillie, not even arguably, the most devoted and loving couple title at Peoples Church. Their life and devotion to each other is a model that few others have been able to duplicate.
On his last official day at the organ, a permanent plaque was presented for rededicating the organ in Dr. Cass’s name. Following the service Dr. Cass and Hillie sat in front of the altar and received the greetings and congratulations of the congregation and guests in attendance.
Thank you Malcolm for the many years of dedication to sharing music and life with you throughout your lifetime and ours as well!
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Peoples Church Prayerful Vision Set 2007-2008
This summary was reviewed by the Discipleship Committee this month, and will be presented to Church Council for review and revision. It is important that the church has a means of holding ourselves accountable to our prayerful vision set during Checking the Course. Therefore, this summary will be used at the monthly Council meetings to check in on the status of these items, and help provide resources and other means of support. If you have any feedback, please contact Art Tordoff or bring your ideas to Council. Thank you!
Summary of Vision for Peoples 2007-2008
Summary of Vision for Peoples 2007-2008
Intreat Profitable for Those Who Attended
Peoples United Methodist Church
Checking the Course
Intreat Proposed Course Changes
On Saturday, August 25, members and friends of Peoples Church participated in an Intreat designed to look at where we are as a church and where we feel we should be heading. Those in attendance were Pastors Jamie and Gwyneth Arrision, Lay Leader Earle Harvey, Church Council leader and Worship Committee Chairperson, Chris Ward, Rosemary Herd, Art and Marlene Tordoff, Dan Doughty, Betty Splettoesser, Sally and Betty Smith, Linda Wade, Claralee Street, Susan Angell, Kathy Brann, Becky Gotlieb, Fred Wade, and Barbara Nelson.
The Intreat began with a meaningful worship service at Thomas Knight Park in Knightville led by Pastor Gwyneth. Returning to Ellis Hall we indulged in coffee and sweets prepared by Rosemary Herd and Chris Ward, before beginning the three watches that made up the program. Art Tordoff, Pastors Jamie and Gwyneth shared leadership with the assistance of Earle Harvey and Chris Ward. All in attendance were actively engaged in the proposals that came from the groups on Worship, Fellowship and Evangelism/Outreach.
From the Crew on Worship:
This group included Chris Ward, Pastor Jamie, Linda Wade, Sue Angell, Claralee Street
Discussion centered on restructuring committee work. During monthly meetings for September, November, January and May all folks holding positions related to worship will be expected to be in attendance as a "committee of the whole". The committee of the whole would include the chairperson, the Pastors, music officials, communion stewards, altar preparers, ushers, greeters, follow-up team members, representatives from other worship experiences related to the church and others, at times, deemed a part of the worship team.
During the months of October, December, February, March and April a Subset of the whole committee will continue to work as a worship design team. This team membership is yet to be determined and should be finalized at the next Worship committee meeting. Its specific duties should also be defined at the next meeting. Changes should be reported out at Church Council.
From the Fellowship crew:
This group included Rosemary Herd, Dan Doughty, Kathy Brann, Betty Smith and Pastor Gwyneth
This group proposed that a number of social –fellowship events be planned over the course of the coming year. The purposes of such a thrust would be to provide a variety of appealing activities for a variety of parishioners and friends. At least one event needs to be planned in each season.
Activity One: Mystery Ride is already scheduled for Sunday, October 21. This would be primarily a church family building event. This group would be instrumental in developing the particulars including communication.
Activity Two: Resurrection of the Saturday Niters The first reinstatement of this program will take place on Saturday, January 26, 2008. Fellowship committee responsibility to fill in the specifics.
Activity 3: Spring might be either a Calendar Dessert for all or a Church Barbecue. More later. The focus will continuously be on Church Family development.
Ongoing activities that will be encouraged to continue include the Men’s Monthly Breakfast, Girl’s Night Out, Bean Suppers, Shawl Ministry, Knitting/Crocheting Group, Mom’s group, Connections with SMCC, Walking Group, Update of the telephone tree.
Possibility of starting a Visitation crew was mentioned. This would involve training to be good visitors in a number of situations.
From the Outreach/Evangelism group
This group included Earle, Marlene and Art Tordoff, Fred Wade and Pastor Gwyneth.
Evangelism: The main thrust in this area centers around two events that will take place in the Greater Portland area this fall. The first of these events is the Casco Bay Cluster sponsored event, "Hope In A Hurting World" that will take place at Beech Ridge Speedway on Saturday, October 6, 2007 from Noon to Six PM. Pastor Jamie is the "front man" for our involvement with the following assisting for Peoples Church (and anyone else that is willing to help) Art Tordoff, Marlene Tordoff, Earle Harvey, Fred Wade and Sue Angell. In a real sense with advertising this event is well underway.
The duty of the local committee will be to advertise in print and will develop a telephone tree to develop the necessary personal touch. The advertising and work of the committee will be in part responsible for encouraging and getting folks to the event. The goal in the form of statistics will to be responsible for 75 to 100 folks from church and our friends and families to the event. We will need 5 to 10 people to serve as telephone contacters. Marlene indicated that she would head the telephone folks. Art will get the word out and enlist folks to serve as ushers and children’s activity folks for the event. Earle and Fred will collect materials for the Peoples table in the "Big Tent" and will acquire folks to serve at the table during the open period. Gwyneth will acquire business cards and check on magnets with Peoples information on them for a giveaway. The team will be responsible for reviewing the existing visitor packets and update them for this event as additional handouts. Earle also indicated that he would be responsible for acquiring Spiritual counselors who will volunteer to offer consolation and advice at the end of the Revival presentations as well as set up our own local follow-up with information provided from the Revival.
Discipleship members will assist in the follow-up process with the establishment of new member groups and invitations to already existing learning functions of the church.
The second major Evangelism activity in the Fall will be to have as many people attend the E3 Conference to be held by the New England United Methodist Conference at Woodfords Congregational Church on November 1-3. More on that to come.
The group discussing this area was without the rightful leader who will be Merrill Kaiser who was on vacation at the time of the Intreat. Other folks who should be strong advocates in this area would be The Folleys, Art Tordoff, Earle Harvey, Rosemary Herd and the Pastors.
The program that we are emphasizing most already is part of the Mission support program for the Heifer Project. This church will continue to raise money through the Sunday school and the local church to "Fill and Ark". In order to do this the goal in financial support is to raise $5000. This committee set a goal to have at least 75 members and friends of the church supporting the project financially, spiritually and through participation in the events of the church that are related. Two events that will be related would be to sponsor a Variety Show in October (assigned date is October 12), proceeds of which would go to Heifer. The other major event would be to have a field trip to the Heifer sponsored farm in Massachusetts possibly to assist the caretakers in some way and to see how the farm operates. This event needs to take place by June of 2008. Continuation of the money collection boxes in and out of Sunday school is urged and that there should be a day periodically (every three months) in church where the boxes are collected and totals announced. In addition to what the children are using for an Ark to fill should be duplicated or brought to church on a regular basis for others to witness.
More brochures on Heifer should be made available and another occasion to show Heifer videos could be arranged.
Two other hands on activities were discussed and would like Missions to investigate possibilities. One would be to form a work party to Mechuwana in the Spring and the other would be to investigate the local Habitat for Humanity program and whether we would have enough people to serve on a work party or not and whether HH could use us.
Continuing in the spring of 2008 we feel that another International Missions Night should be encouraged and would fall under Discipleship, Missions, Fellowship and the Lay Leader for development. Likewise another Community Awareness Fair should be considered by the same group but to consider moving it to a more logical time to garner volunteers such as early fall.
Other local missions such as the Root Cellar and Wayside Soup Kitchen should also continue as well as other "regular" or traditional mission activities. The thrust should be to not only support missions financially, but to also have active involvement in those missions.
In the closing minutes of the Intreat, Pastor Jamie asked us to submit in three words or less to the group as a whole what we felt the church should be emphasizing. The following is a way that those suggestions could be put together.
"Where God is----------------there is----
Invitation, Welcome, Fun
Agenda communicating action
Supporting small miracles
Sharing family
Love for others
Checking the Course
Intreat Proposed Course Changes
On Saturday, August 25, members and friends of Peoples Church participated in an Intreat designed to look at where we are as a church and where we feel we should be heading. Those in attendance were Pastors Jamie and Gwyneth Arrision, Lay Leader Earle Harvey, Church Council leader and Worship Committee Chairperson, Chris Ward, Rosemary Herd, Art and Marlene Tordoff, Dan Doughty, Betty Splettoesser, Sally and Betty Smith, Linda Wade, Claralee Street, Susan Angell, Kathy Brann, Becky Gotlieb, Fred Wade, and Barbara Nelson.
The Intreat began with a meaningful worship service at Thomas Knight Park in Knightville led by Pastor Gwyneth. Returning to Ellis Hall we indulged in coffee and sweets prepared by Rosemary Herd and Chris Ward, before beginning the three watches that made up the program. Art Tordoff, Pastors Jamie and Gwyneth shared leadership with the assistance of Earle Harvey and Chris Ward. All in attendance were actively engaged in the proposals that came from the groups on Worship, Fellowship and Evangelism/Outreach.
From the Crew on Worship:
This group included Chris Ward, Pastor Jamie, Linda Wade, Sue Angell, Claralee Street
Discussion centered on restructuring committee work. During monthly meetings for September, November, January and May all folks holding positions related to worship will be expected to be in attendance as a "committee of the whole". The committee of the whole would include the chairperson, the Pastors, music officials, communion stewards, altar preparers, ushers, greeters, follow-up team members, representatives from other worship experiences related to the church and others, at times, deemed a part of the worship team.
During the months of October, December, February, March and April a Subset of the whole committee will continue to work as a worship design team. This team membership is yet to be determined and should be finalized at the next Worship committee meeting. Its specific duties should also be defined at the next meeting. Changes should be reported out at Church Council.
From the Fellowship crew:
This group included Rosemary Herd, Dan Doughty, Kathy Brann, Betty Smith and Pastor Gwyneth
This group proposed that a number of social –fellowship events be planned over the course of the coming year. The purposes of such a thrust would be to provide a variety of appealing activities for a variety of parishioners and friends. At least one event needs to be planned in each season.
Activity One: Mystery Ride is already scheduled for Sunday, October 21. This would be primarily a church family building event. This group would be instrumental in developing the particulars including communication.
Activity Two: Resurrection of the Saturday Niters The first reinstatement of this program will take place on Saturday, January 26, 2008. Fellowship committee responsibility to fill in the specifics.
Activity 3: Spring might be either a Calendar Dessert for all or a Church Barbecue. More later. The focus will continuously be on Church Family development.
Ongoing activities that will be encouraged to continue include the Men’s Monthly Breakfast, Girl’s Night Out, Bean Suppers, Shawl Ministry, Knitting/Crocheting Group, Mom’s group, Connections with SMCC, Walking Group, Update of the telephone tree.
Possibility of starting a Visitation crew was mentioned. This would involve training to be good visitors in a number of situations.
From the Outreach/Evangelism group
This group included Earle, Marlene and Art Tordoff, Fred Wade and Pastor Gwyneth.
Evangelism: The main thrust in this area centers around two events that will take place in the Greater Portland area this fall. The first of these events is the Casco Bay Cluster sponsored event, "Hope In A Hurting World" that will take place at Beech Ridge Speedway on Saturday, October 6, 2007 from Noon to Six PM. Pastor Jamie is the "front man" for our involvement with the following assisting for Peoples Church (and anyone else that is willing to help) Art Tordoff, Marlene Tordoff, Earle Harvey, Fred Wade and Sue Angell. In a real sense with advertising this event is well underway.
The duty of the local committee will be to advertise in print and will develop a telephone tree to develop the necessary personal touch. The advertising and work of the committee will be in part responsible for encouraging and getting folks to the event. The goal in the form of statistics will to be responsible for 75 to 100 folks from church and our friends and families to the event. We will need 5 to 10 people to serve as telephone contacters. Marlene indicated that she would head the telephone folks. Art will get the word out and enlist folks to serve as ushers and children’s activity folks for the event. Earle and Fred will collect materials for the Peoples table in the "Big Tent" and will acquire folks to serve at the table during the open period. Gwyneth will acquire business cards and check on magnets with Peoples information on them for a giveaway. The team will be responsible for reviewing the existing visitor packets and update them for this event as additional handouts. Earle also indicated that he would be responsible for acquiring Spiritual counselors who will volunteer to offer consolation and advice at the end of the Revival presentations as well as set up our own local follow-up with information provided from the Revival.
Discipleship members will assist in the follow-up process with the establishment of new member groups and invitations to already existing learning functions of the church.
The second major Evangelism activity in the Fall will be to have as many people attend the E3 Conference to be held by the New England United Methodist Conference at Woodfords Congregational Church on November 1-3. More on that to come.
The group discussing this area was without the rightful leader who will be Merrill Kaiser who was on vacation at the time of the Intreat. Other folks who should be strong advocates in this area would be The Folleys, Art Tordoff, Earle Harvey, Rosemary Herd and the Pastors.
The program that we are emphasizing most already is part of the Mission support program for the Heifer Project. This church will continue to raise money through the Sunday school and the local church to "Fill and Ark". In order to do this the goal in financial support is to raise $5000. This committee set a goal to have at least 75 members and friends of the church supporting the project financially, spiritually and through participation in the events of the church that are related. Two events that will be related would be to sponsor a Variety Show in October (assigned date is October 12), proceeds of which would go to Heifer. The other major event would be to have a field trip to the Heifer sponsored farm in Massachusetts possibly to assist the caretakers in some way and to see how the farm operates. This event needs to take place by June of 2008. Continuation of the money collection boxes in and out of Sunday school is urged and that there should be a day periodically (every three months) in church where the boxes are collected and totals announced. In addition to what the children are using for an Ark to fill should be duplicated or brought to church on a regular basis for others to witness.
More brochures on Heifer should be made available and another occasion to show Heifer videos could be arranged.
Two other hands on activities were discussed and would like Missions to investigate possibilities. One would be to form a work party to Mechuwana in the Spring and the other would be to investigate the local Habitat for Humanity program and whether we would have enough people to serve on a work party or not and whether HH could use us.
Continuing in the spring of 2008 we feel that another International Missions Night should be encouraged and would fall under Discipleship, Missions, Fellowship and the Lay Leader for development. Likewise another Community Awareness Fair should be considered by the same group but to consider moving it to a more logical time to garner volunteers such as early fall.
Other local missions such as the Root Cellar and Wayside Soup Kitchen should also continue as well as other "regular" or traditional mission activities. The thrust should be to not only support missions financially, but to also have active involvement in those missions.
In the closing minutes of the Intreat, Pastor Jamie asked us to submit in three words or less to the group as a whole what we felt the church should be emphasizing. The following is a way that those suggestions could be put together.
"Where God is----------------there is----
Invitation, Welcome, Fun
Agenda communicating action
Supporting small miracles
Sharing family
Love for others
Checking the Course
Peoples United Methodist Church
Checking the Course
All members and friends of Peoples were invited to participate in an Intreat to investigate the course that we might see ourselves on as a church family over the next year. 18 folks participated in some aspect of the day’s program. The event got under way as 9 folks trekked to Thomas Knight Park to be led in worship by Pastor Gwyneth Arrison. Gwyneth’s message encouraged all of us to try and see our "vision" as if it were through "God’s Eyes." She also asked to consider as we approached the day the following questions:
What is the dream you personally dream for Peoples?
What would it look like to live as God’s family?
What is God’s vision for calling Peoples to serve in this community?
What is God’s vision for you in bringing your dreams and others of the church to reality?
The reader of this article should ponder these four questions and respond perhaps to the pastors or the leader of the Church Council or to one of the other significant entities of church leadership so that you to might be heard.
When we arrived back at the church, another 9 folks, including Chris Ward and Rosemary Herd who had stayed at the church and prepared coffee and snacks. When it was time to begin the First Watch, Art Tordoff reiterated the questions that Gwyneth had earlier raised to everyone present for the Intreat. He also used devotion from The Upper Room from August 4 that was appropriate to the theme of the day. The reading used the naval blessing, wishing for " fair winds and a following sea" for the days events as well as the year ahead for Peoples church. While we originally would have broken the group into six groups it was decided to use three themes that were concerned with the three areas that those present felt were most in need of work at Peoples. The three groups were concerned with Worship, Fellowship and the combination Evangelism/Outreach.
Those three group areas "spiritstormed" a number of ideas some of which were related to work undone since the last intreat, 2 years ago, and some ideas were quite new. Eventually it was hoped that everyone would eventually settle on one common theme to work in through all of the present work areas: Worship, Discipleship, Fellowship, Ministry/Evangelism, Mission/Outreach and Administration.
During the Second Watch each group was able to narrow their lists down and settle into a more manageble, measurable, and accountable program. After lunch it was expected that somehow from this smaller listing the larger group might be able to settle on one general theme. In the end those who were there at the end of the program and after a great deal of discussion related to each it was felt that through the Council and the various committees mentioned above that all of the final proposals could be incorporated in the coming year’s church life.
The discussion among those who attended could have gone on beyond the time restraints of the day, but there is always a point beyond which discussion is no longer effective. Those that this reporter talked to were amazed, in some cases, to learn what was involved under each of the topics. An appreciation for what goes on and needs to be done was gained by all who were present. The feeling of family was very much present and felt by those in attendance.
While some of the programs for the coming year will come from "Checking the Course" those in attendance want all members and friends of the church to be informed. We also encourage those who could not be in attendance to find out and participate and help to implement necessary change and activity. You will find a more detail summarization of the actual proposals in another article prepared for that purpose.
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Celebrating a New Member
Carol Bruneau joined the congregation of Peoples United Methodist Church on August 12. She grew up in Winthrop , Maine, very much part of the United Methodist Church there until she married and attended her husband's church. She had been thinking about coming back to the Methodist Church for a while and Earle invited her to represent the Lions Club at Peoples first Community Fair in 2006. Carol says, "I told him I had gone to the Methodist Church and he invited me to come to Peoples and both Gwyneth and Jamie invited me to attend a Sunday service also. Many people here have made me feel very welcome and attending church in the faith I grew up in is such joy to me."
Carol, we welcome you as part of the Peoples family!
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
August Anniversaries and Birthdays
See the new link to the right with birthdays and anniversaries listed for the whole year, thanks to Marlene Tordoff!
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